WWF Wildlife and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Species

Posted on: 4/20/2015 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

Posted by

Nikhil Advani


This website includes a trait-based climate vulnerability assessment tool for species, as well as vulnerability assessments and recommended adaptation strategies for WWF priority species.

WWF assesses the key vulnerabilities of species based on four factors:

  1. Sensitivity: the inability of the species to persist, as is, under changing climatic conditions
  2. Adaptive capacity: the ability of the species to respond to changes in climate
  3. Exposure: The extent of climatic change and variation that the species encounters and is projected to encounter
  4. Other threats: any other relevant threats, as well as the human responses to climate change that exacerbate these threats

Species assessed as of April 2015 include African elephant, Asian elephant, snow leopard and mountain gorilla.


Conservation practitioners, scientists, students, general public.


Nikhil Advani

Managing Organizations

For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.


Target Climate Changes and Impacts