A Climate of Change Workshop Series: Fishermen, Scientists, and Managers Share Information to Prepare for an Uncertain Future
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CAKE TeamProject Summary
What happens to island and coastal communities in a shifting ocean? This is a question many of Maine’s island and coastal communities are beginning to ask. With changing conditions above and below the ocean, it is important to start identifying these shifts and what coastal communities can do to start preparing. Changes to the natural environment mean new species may start showing up in fishermen’s traps or species that historically were important start disappearing. Changing use patterns of the ocean such as offshore energy development as well as changing ocean chemistry pose both risks and opportunities for island communities. To help communities and fishermen better prepare for these changes and to help those involved in the ocean planning process better understand how these changes might impact island and remote coastal communities, the Island Institute hosted three workshops throughout the fall of 2014. Workshop themes came from the Climate of Change conference held in August 2013, where there was an apparent need to further address issues related to island and coastal vulnerability in the face of climate change. The workshops included ocean acidification and vulnerability workshops, predictive capabilities workshop, and the Maine Ocean acidification meeting to help build capacity and understanding of climate change and ocean acidification in the region to help promote conversations and develop solutions between community members, fishermen, industry and local and federal agencies.
Key Strategies and Actions:
- Build capacity
- Education
Arnold, A. 2016. A Climate of Change workshop series: Fishermen, scientists, and managers share information to prepare for an uncertain future. Summary of a project from the Island Institute produced for EcoAdapt’s State of Adaptation Program. Retrieved from CAKE: http://www.cakex.org/case-studies/climate-change-workshop-series-fisher… (Last updated August 2016)
Project Links
Project Contact
Susie Arnold, PhD
Marine Scientist
[email protected]