American Society of Adaptation Professionals

ASAP helps build essential climate resilience for communities across the country by focusing on connecting and supporting the individuals. We provide a platform for climate adaptation leaders to interact, share what’s working, and collaborate with their colleagues.
Adaptation Work:ASAP Members across the United States are working to prepare for the impacts of climate change and make their communities, regions, states, and the country more resilient to those changes. For each of us, the story is different but similar. ASAP Members realize that climate change is one of the most critical issues of our time and that it will affect many aspects of our jobs and our communities. We work within our own sector and across many other sectors. We focus on climate science, public health, natural resources, governance, urban planning, transportation, forestry, water resources and more. As a Society, we realize that while individual efforts can make a difference, this work cannot be done by one person acting alone. ASAP provides a place to find and share information, enhance promising practices, and collaborate on building a healthy and vibrant future. We are the People People.