Climate Impacts Group (CIG)


The Climate Impacts Group (CIG) is an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research group studying the impacts of natural climate variability and global climate change (“global warming”). Research at the CIG considers climate impacts at spatial scales ranging from local communities to the entire western U.S. region, with most work focused on the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Through research and interaction with stakeholders, the CIG works to increase community and ecosystem resilience to fluctuations in climate.

The CIG focuses on the intersection of climate science and public policy/resource management. We perform fundamental research on climate and climate impacts and work with planners and policy makers to apply this information to regional decision making processes. Key areas of the group's collective expertise include but are not limited to: downscaling global climate model data; regional climate modeling; hydrologic modeling; water resources and terrestrial/aquatic ecosystem modeling and impacts assessment; coastal impacts assessment; climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning; and outreach and education.