Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks LCC

The mission of the GCPO LCC is to:
- define a shared vision for sustainable natural and cultural resources in the face of a changing climate and other threats;
- design strategies to achieve that vision;
- and deliver results on the ground through leadership, partnerships, contributed resources, evaluation and refinement over time.
Our vision of success is to ensure natural and cultural landscapes capable of sustaining healthy ecosystems, clean water, fish, wildlife, and human communities in the 180-million- acre Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks region through the 21st century.
The Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative is part of a network of 22 cooperatives established by the Dept. of Interior in 2010. LCCs work to better integrate science and management to address climate change and other landscape scale issues.
The GCPO LCC functions as a self-directed partnership among federal, state, university, and non-governmental organizations who are collaboratively seeking to understand and improve conservation action at the very large, or landscape, scale.