International Network for Scientific Investigations of Deep-Sea Ecosystems (INDEEP)


The aim of the International Network for Scientific Investigations of Deep-Sea Ecosystems (INDEEP) is to develop and synthesise our understanding of deep-sea global biodiversity and functioning and provide a framework to bridge the gap between scientific results and society to aid in the formation of sustainable management strategies.

The INDEEP programme, funded by the Total Foundation for the first six years from 2011 to 2016, was launched in December 2010 with a kick-off meeting in New Orleans, attended by 41 participants representing 16 different countries. We gratefully acknowledge the Total Foundation and Census of Marine Life projects ChEss, COMARGE, CeDAMar, CenSeam and EuroCoML for funding this first meeting.  

During this meeting, research priorities for the INDEEP community and the need to ensure fluent communication amongst all stakeholders and parties with interests in the deep ocean were discussed. As a result, INDEEP aims to bring together and help coordinate research and communication efforts from across the globe through working groups targeting the following topics:

  1. Taxonomy and Evolution
  2. Biodiversity and Biogeography
  3. Population Connectivity
  4. Ecosystem Function
  5. Anthropogenic Impact and Science Policy (please note, this WG was disbanded in INDEEP Phase 2)


Sector Addressed
Taxonomic Focus