Ocean & Climate Platform


The Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP) aims to provide civil society and decision-makers with new knowledge and insights on the issues, challenges and solutions at the interfaces between biodiversity, the ocean and climate. 

The OCP gathers more than 90 members – research institutes, NGOs, aquariums, private sector, French institutions and international agencies, local authorities – working together in order to spread the following message : “a healthy ocean for a protected climate”. If the ocean is particularly vulnerable to climate change, it also is a source of mitigation and adaptation solutions.

Through its role of interface between science and policy, the Ocean & Climate Platform fosters reflection and exchanges between the scientific community, civil society and policy-makers. Its ambition is to mobilize the largest number of actors for better consideration of the scientific message on the interactions between the ocean, climate and biodiversity by policy-makers and the general public.

Our Objectives:

  1. Mobilization – Mobilizing and coordinating a network: The OCP is committed to making the voice of civil society heard and participates in the mobilization of ocean stakeholders on ocean, climate and biodiversity issues. It coordinates a strong network of more than 90 members from various sectors. Thanks to their expertise and involvement, the OCP carries out various awareness-raising actions with the general public: organisation of conferences and thematic meetings, communication campaigns and production of informational tools such as learning sheets entitled  “Ocean and Climate : new challenges” or thirteen scientific sheets.
  2. Sharing knowledge – Developing and disseminating scientific knowledge: The fight against climate change requires a common awareness of the challenges related to the ocean, climate and biodiversity. Consequently, the Ocean & Climate Platform is committed to increasing the production of scientific knowledge on ocean, climate and biodiversity issues, in particular through the action of its Scientific Committee, which actively contributed to the negotiation for the production of a Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere by the IPCC, published in September 2019.
  3. Advocacy – Integrating the ocean into national and international climate policies: Advocacy work for better integrating the ocean into national and international climate policies has characterized the work of the Ocean & Climate Platform since its creation. This work was first rewarded with the integration of the ocean into the preamble of the Paris Agreement at COP21. Since then, the OCP has continued to raise ocean – climate – biodiversity issues in different bodies – UNFCCC, CBD – and published in 2019 its Policy Recommendations for policymakers.

