Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection


DEP is largely responsible for administering Pennsylvania's environmental laws and regulations.  

The Department of Environmental Protection's mission is to protect Pennsylvania's air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment. We will work as partners with individuals, organizations, governments and businesses to prevent pollution and restore our natural resources.

Adaptation Work:

Air Programs

DEP's Bureau of Air Quality is responsible for safeguarding the health of Pennsylvanians by achieving the goals of the federal Clean Air Act and the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act. The bureau develops air quality regulations, conducts meteorological tracking and air quality modeling studies and reviews; develops transportation control measures and other mobile source programs. The bureau also helps to improve the economic climate for firms to locate and expand in Pennsylvania through programs such as the Small Business Assistance Program.

Energy Programs

The Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance works with citizen's groups, businesses, trade organizations, local governments and communities to help them reduce pollution and save energy. In addition, the office works to foster and develop alternative energy solutions. Part of that effort includes encouraging the deployment and use of innovative environmental and advanced energy technologies, including renewable energy.

Environmental Cleanup & Brownfields

DEP's Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program oversees assessment and cleanup of contaminated land and assures the safe operation of storage tanks. DEP partners with economic and industrial development associations, local governments, communities and businesses to foster the cleanup of Pennsylvania's brownfields and other industrial sites. Remediating these often idle properties not only improves the environment, but gets them back into productive use. 

DEP provides brownfields redevelopment and economic development assistance through our award-winning Land Recycling Program. DEP manages the cleanup of storage tank releases and state and federal superfund sites under Site Remediation programs. DEP's Storage Tank program permits, registers and establishes operating requirements for above and underground storage tanks. For more information, please call (717) 783-1566.

Active and Abandoned Mine Operations

DEP's Office of Active and Abandoned Mine Operations (AAMO) oversees nearly 500 Commonwealth employees located within four bureaus. The office is responsible for the policies and implementation of programs that regulate or impact mineral extraction, including industrial minerals and coal. The four bureaus have distinct programmatic responsibilities but are interrelated and coordinate efforts in many areas. The mission of the Office of Active and Abandoned Mine Operations is to minimize impacts to the environment while providing a climate that encourages economic growth; to provide a safe and healthy work environment for miners; and to assure the public has an informed opportunity to participate in the debate and process. The objectives are met by partnering with the program customers, educating affected parties to the extent possible, and striving for 100 percent compliance utilizing appropriate tools for each situation.

Oil and Gas Programs

DEP Oil and Gas Programs Oil and Gas Programs DEP's Office of Oil and Gas Management is responsible for the statewide oil and gas conservation and environmental programs to facilitate the safe exploration, development, recovery of Pennsylvania's oil and gas reservoirs in a manner that will protect the commonwealth's natural resources and the environment. The office develops policy and programs for the regulation of oil and gas development and production pursuant to the Oil and Gas Act, the Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act, and the Oil and Gas Conservation Law; oversees the oil and gas permitting and inspection programs; develops statewide regulation and standards; conducts training programs for industry; and works with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission and the Technical Advisory Board.

Radiation Protection Programs

DEP's Bureau of Radiation Protection directs the statewide radiation protection program with the goal of protecting the citizens of the Commonwealth from unnecessary exposure to radiation. This includes policy, technical, and fiscal management for the program areas of: radioactive material, radiation producing machines, radon, nuclear safety, low-level radioactive waste, emergency response, and decommissioning and environmental surveillance. The office ensures central and regional staff communicate uniformly and implement and effectively support statewide program activities such as licensing, registration, certification and inspections.

Waste Programs

DEP's Bureau of Waste Management manages the statewide hazardous, municipal, and residual waste programs. The office also oversees implementation of municipal waste planning and recycling, waste transportation, and the Covered Device Recycling Act.

Water Programs

DEP's Office of Water Management plans, directs and coordinates departmental programs associated with the management and protection of the commonwealth's vast water resources. Staff administers and oversees departmental programs involving surface and groundwater quantity and quality planning, and soil and water conservation. The office also coordinates policies, procedures, and regulations which influence public water supply withdrawals and quality, sewage facilities planning, point source municipal and industrial discharges, encroachments upon waterways and wetlands, dam safety, earth disturbance activities and control of storm water and non-point source pollution. In addition, the Office of Water Management also coordinates the planning, design and construction of flood protection and stream improvement projects.