Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative

The Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC is responsible for identifying and prioritizing the scientific uncertainties and needs that can inform better conservation management. Climate change, shifts in land-use, urban expansion, agricultural changes, are all contributing stressors impacting the plains and prairie potholes landscape. Research supported by the LCC is directed at maximizing habitat quality within key ecosystems from palustrine wetlands, native grasslands and restored grasslands to sage prairie and riparian habitat and river systems.
We are also connected with a broader network that crosses state, jurisdictional, and international boundaries. This larger LCC network includes 22 similar partnerships that are all vested in a conservation mission no single agency or natural resources organization can accomplish alone. We look beyond our own areas of expertise to create a cooperative and partnership oriented perspective, focused on developing, adapting and coordinating large-scale applied science needs in the face of 21st century environmental challenges.
This means providing the right science in the right places to the right people, with the goal of sustaining our natural resources in the face of ever-changing 21st century stressors like climate change. Working together, we can ensure a sustainable landscape that supports fish, wildlife, habitat and people.