Springs Stewardship Institute


Although they are among the most biologically and culturally important and highly threatened ecosystems on Earth, springs are poorly studied and inadequately protected. Most springs are relatively small size, yet they support at least 20% of the endangered animals in the United States, as well as untold thousands of rare or highly restricted species.

The need for improved stewardship of springs is widely recognized, not only in arid regions but throughout the world. They are of concern to all who manage springs and care about stewardship of critical natural and cultural resources.

The Springs Stewardship Institute is an initiative of the Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff. The Springs Stewardship Institute is working to improve communication among springs managers about efforts to improve understanding and management of springs, and the potential for collaboration and partnership.

For a description of current projects, click here

Phone Number: (928) 774-5211 EXT. 231