Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative


The sustainability of natural and cultural resources and landscapes are important to quality of life and local economies. Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) address large scale natural resource challenges that transcend political and jurisdictional boundaries and require a networked approach to conservation— holistic, collaborative, and grounded in science – to ensure the sustainability of America’s land, water, wildlife and cultural resources. LCCs collectively form a national network of land, water, wildlife, and cultural resource managers, scientists, and interested public and private organizations—within the U.S. and across our international borders—that share a common need for scientific information in conservation.

The Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC, established in 2010, is focused on a diverse range of fish, wildlife and other natural resources that transcend existing state and international borders including the Great Lakes, North America’s largest freshwater resource, coastal wetlands, boreal forests, major river systems and prairie-hardwood ecosystems. Many of these ecosystems surround heavily population urban centers.

The Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC envisions a conservation community that while governed by their unique purposes and missions, collaborates on sustaining lands and waters that support natural and cultural resources and the services they provide. Our mission is to support and sustain this conservation community by facilitating communication, coordination and collaboration  to bridge cutting-edge scientific research with natural resources management.

