2008 King County Climate Report

King County Executive Action Group on Climate Change
Posted on: 1/31/2009 - Updated on: 3/06/2020

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CAKE Site Admin



This 2008 King County Climate Report is the second annual report on implementation of the 2007 King County Climate Plan, which was published in February 2007. This report is being submitted no later than February 1, 2009, as required by Executive Orders on Global Warming Preparedness PUT 7-5 through 7-8 and King County Council Motion 12362. This document provides a progress report on King County activities to reduce operational and regional greenhouse gas emissions and to anticipate and adapt to projected climate change impacts, based on best current knowledge. It reflects a crossdepartmental collaboration that builds on over 15 years of efforts in King County to address the causes of climate change and to prepare for regional climate change impacts.

The mission of the King County Executive Action Group on Climate Change is to lead, educate, and empower the King County government and community to meet the climate change challenges directly and effectively. The overall goal of the King County Climate Plan is to guide county decisions that measurably reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change impacts in regional policies and government operations, practices and investments.

The Executive Action Group on Climate Change continues to work toward these goals in the optimistic spirit of the original King County Climate Plan. Based on the principles of “Climate Prosperity,” governments across the country are now recognizing that “the core strategies to create a vibrant economy - innovation, efficiency, strategic investment, and finding better ways to use and reuse resources - are exactly the same steps we need to cope with global climate change now.” (Citiwire, October 2008) At the same time, climate change impacts are still occurring - and some more rapidly than ever before. The mandate for climate action remains strong.


King County Executive Action Group on Climate Change. (2009). 2008 King County Climate Report. Retrieved from CAKE: http://www.cakex.org/virtual-library/771

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