2021 Climate Adaptation Action Plan - U.S. Dept. of Commerce

U.S. Department of Commerce
Posted on: 12/20/2021 - Updated on: 8/23/2022

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The Department of Commerce is committed to fulfilling the vision set forth in Executive Order (E.O.) 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, through emulable leadership and action to integrate equitable climate considerations into all aspects of the Department’s missions, policies, operations, facility management, real property, acquisitions, and use of resources.

As directed by E.O. 14008, the Department of Commerce’s 2021 Climate Action Plan for Adaptation and Resilience highlights the important role the Department of Commerce plays in advancing climate adaptation and resilience. The actions captured in this Plan, as well as the broader work of the Department to address the climate crisis, support the Department’s mission to create the conditions for economic growth and opportunity.

Global climate change is both a long-term challenge and a reality today; between short-term variability and long-term trends, it will affect a range of Departmental services, operations, programs, and assets. A changing climate will also result in financial, operational, and regulatory risks and opportunities across diverse industries and sectors at local, regional, national, and international levels.

With a substantial portion of the United States gross domestic product dependent on weather and climate, supporting economic growth and resiliency and equitably managing risks and opportunities requires reliable and timely climate information and services and the capacity to apply this information in decision-making.

The Department, through its scientific and economic bureaus, is uniquely situated to develop and deliver these services to help the private sector, local, regional, Tribal, and state governments and resource managers plan for and make decisions to adapt to climate change. The Department shall consider current and projected climate change impacts and use the best available science and information when undertaking planning, setting priorities for scientific research and investigations, and making decisions regarding the Department’s resources, programs, policies, and operations.

As we execute on this Plan and our broader climate work, I ask for your support, leadership, and commitment to the Department’s vision for success in enhancing preparedness for and resilience to the climate crisis, including areas that have co-benefits for mitigation and environmental justice by:

  • Utilizing the Department’s power of procurement to create equitable economic opportunities and invest in and maintain climate-ready and resilient facilities, products, and services
  • Providing climate science and services to the Federal Government and other stakeholders to support climate adaptation and resilience, including advanced measurements, tools and standards for climate consideration and decision support
  • Assisting federal agencies, local governments, regional entities, states, and indigenous communities in understanding climate variability and integrating climate information and resiliency into their near-term and long-term strategies and actions, including economic development and natural resources stewardship
  • Promoting the advancements of a climate-resilient economy and sustainable growth to create market opportunities (both domestic and abroad), new businesses, advanced technologies, and quality jobs


Climate Action Plan for Adaptation and Resilience. 2021. Department of Commerce. sustainability.gov/pdfs/doc-2021-cap.pdf

Affiliated Organizations

The Department of Commerce promotes job creation and economic growth by ensuring fair and reciprocal trade, providing the data necessary to support commerce and constitutional democracy, and fostering innovation by setting standards and conducting foundational research and development.


Document Type
Adaptation Phase
Target Climate Changes and Impacts
Type of Adaptation Action/Strategy

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