2021 Climate Adaptation Action Plan - U.S. Dept. of Justice

U.S. Department of Justice
Posted on: 12/21/2021 - Updated on: 8/23/2022

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This document presents the Department of Justice (DOJ) Climate Action Plan, to be submitted to the National Climate Task Force and the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. Collectively with other Federal agencies, DOJ is required to comply with the directives included in Executive Order (EO) 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, to combat the climate crisis.

In accordance with these requirements, this Climate Action Plan documents an updated DOJ Policy for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience, designates the DOJ Official Responsible for Implementation of the Climate Action Plan, and outlines a streamlined action plan for climate adaptation and climate resilience:

  • DOJ commits to the following five priority adaptation actions:
    • Incorporate climate adaptation and resilience concepts, principles, and guidelines into real property actions
    • Revisit and update DOJ’s vulnerability assessment of its most mission-critical supplies and services
    • Comprehensively consider environmental justice in DOJ’s climate adaptation efforts
    • Complete a study to determine the potential for electrification of DOJ’s vehicle fleet
    • Incorporate climate adaptation considerations into DOJ’s strategic planning and risk profile processes
  • DOJ has identified the following five climate-related vulnerabilities, for which it has established initial adaptation actions:
    • Continued availability of workforce
    • Continued operation of mission-critical facilities
    • Supply chain disruptions
    • Limited knowledge and understanding of climate adaptation concepts and best practices for enhancing adaptive capacity
    • Need to enhance systematic and formalized internal processes and guidance
  • To enhance climate literacy across DOJ’s management workforce, DOJ will:
    • Enhance climate literacy among Department-wide staff, with a focus on senior management personnel
    • Broadly disseminate outreach materials and training content among Department personnel
  • To ensure climate-ready sites and facilities, DOJ will work to establish processes to more systematically ensure that adaptation criteria and requirements are properly integrated into management functions and decision points for the procurement for design, construction, operations, and maintenance of DOJ facilities.
  • To ensure a climate-ready supply of products and services, DOJ will work to establish processes to more systematically ensure that adaptation criteria and requirements are properly integrated into the acquisition of mission-critical supplies and services.


Climate Action Plan. July 2021. U.S. Department of Justice. Prepared by Justice Management Division, Facilities and Administrative Services Staff Environmental and Sustainability Services. https://www.sustainability.gov/pdfs/doj-2021-cap.pdf

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Mission Statement: To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.




Document Type
Adaptation Phase
Sector Addressed
Target Climate Changes and Impacts
Type of Adaptation Action/Strategy

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