Adaptation Action Plan For Fire in the Sky Island Region
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[Screenshot from report]
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Rachel GreggPublished
The underlying goals for the Fire Working Group and Adaptation Action Plan were: manage for ecosystem resilience (returning to a functional state) to ease transition and avoid abrupt changes; and prevent catastrophic post-fire fallout.
The primary mechanisms for achieving this goal were identified to be:
- Treatment of whole watersheds
- Targeted restoration
- Prevention of catastrophic fires
- Prevention of catastrophic post-fire fallout – keep the soil on the ground, but not to the detriment of systems that need scouring floods
- Full implementation of FireScape and Pinaleño Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Collaborative effort to educate communities, stakeholders, and media on the role of fire in ecosystems (reduce fear factor)
- Creation of a community of practice that encourages collaboration
- Creation of a climate-informed toolbox
- Development of effective reforestation efforts and seeding guidelines
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Conservation / Restoration
Land Use Planning
Water Resources