Adaptation Planning for Climate Change: An Application of the Advanced Bibliometric Analytical Framework

Hassam Bin Waseem, Muhammad Noor E Elahi Mirza, Irfan Ahmad Rana, Abdul Waheed
Posted on: 12/08/2023 - Updated on: 12/08/2023

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There has been a surge in research on adaptation planning to address climate change and its effects. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of the keywords “adaptation planning” and “climate change” to determine the level of research being undertaken using a proposed Advanced Bibliometric Analytical Framework (ABAF). ABAF intends to overcome the inconsistency and vagueness surrounding the existing bibliometric analytical frameworks.

Three types of analyses, namely performance analysis, rank analysis, and scientific mapping, were carried out on a dataset of 1087 research articles retrieved from the Web of Science database. The study found contributions from 1515 institutions and 116 countries. Most studies were published in English and Chinese languages only. An upward trend was observed in the number of publications per year, with 135 being the highest number recorded in 2021, emphasizing SDG13: Climate Action, followed by SDGs 6, 15, and 14. Findings show adaptation planning as a trending discourse in the impact reduction of climate extreme events.

The results of this study can serve as a foundation for future research on adaptation planning for climate change. Additionally, ABAF can be applied in any bibliometric analytical study, and the framework could be expanded to include additional analysis typologies and metrics to enhance its comprehensiveness.


Waseem, H.B., Mirza, M.N.E.E., Rana, I.A., Waheed, A. (2023). Adaptation planning for climate change: An application of the advanced bibliometric analytical framework. Natural Hazard Research, doi:

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