The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program: Collaborative Investments to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Strengthen Disadvantaged Communities

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Across the state, a diverse range of stakeholders – including affordable housing developers, transit agencies, local governments, and community members – are preparing to engage in the third application round of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program. The highly-competitive application process for affordable housing and transit infrastructure funding is expected to begin this fall. However, the motions to establish the program that we know today actually began over a decade ago when the State of California took steps to address climate change.
In this policy brief, we present our findings on AHSC’s projected impact, both at the state and local level. We find that the program is generating substantial statewide environmental, health, housing, and other socioeconomic public benefits—particularly in disadvantaged communities. The program is also catalyzing innovative cross-sector collaboration at the local level, which will help deliver multifaceted benefits to California’s most vulnerable people.