Assessing Mali’s Direction Nationale De La Météorologie Agrometeorological Advisory Program: Preliminary Report On The Climate Science And Farmer Use Of Advisories

Engility Corporation
Posted on: 11/26/2014 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

Posted by

Jamie Carson



A recent assessment of Mali's Direction Nationale de la Météorologie Agrometeorological Advisory Program provides data analysis and recommendations based on the experiences of the farmer climate advisory program aimed at improving food security by increasing crop yields. The endeavor, part of the CCRD project, was commissioned by USAID’s Office of Global Climate Change at the request of neighboring Sahelian countries hoping to build similar programs. The report reviews the science behind the assessments and the farmer use of advisories, identifying lessons learned and potential areas of improvement. Mali’s experience highlights the challenges of providing credible, actionable climate information to agriculturalists while reaching the broadest population possible, especially with regard to the activities of women, pastoralists, and poor farmers. This report will be followed by a second installment that will provide additional qualitative fieldwork to understand the patterns of farmer use of advisories, identify opportunities to reach new parts of the population, and better understand the impact of the program for farmers — including assessing the role of gender in development. This comprehensive initiative will inform and revolutionize the programming, design, and implementation of climate services for farmers in the Global South.


Document Type
Sociopolitical Setting
Target Climate Changes and Impacts