Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: A Primer

Gary S. Morishima
Posted on: 10/19/2018 - Updated on: 12/28/2018

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Prepared for the Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science

Land and resources are integral to the cultures and economies of tribes and indigenous peoples. As climate change affects local ecological processes, generations of place-based knowledge within their communities can provide information and guidance for preparation, adaptation, and mitigation. Moreover, tribes and indigenous peoples have unique political status as governmental sovereigns, own substantial quantities of land and resources, possess reserved rights on large areas of federal land, and have co- management authorities and responsibilities for shared resources. Federal, state, and regional entities in landscape scale climate initiatives will need to encourage and support the substantive engagement of tribes and indigenous people. This primer is intended to provide information to help participants in landscape level processes fulfill needs for knowledge exchange and build partnerships with tribal communities.

Find the full primer here


Document Type
Sociopolitical Setting
Target Climate Changes and Impacts