Climate Change and Tidal Marshes

Defenders of Wildlife
Posted on: 6/15/2011 - Updated on: 3/06/2020

Posted by

Hannah Robinson



East coast tidal marshes, like those surrounding the Chesapeake Bay, are at risk of being completely devastated by rising sea levels due to climate change. Many endangered bird species, like the saltmarsh sparrow and the clapper rail, depend on these marshes. Defenders of Wildlife is working with the Audubon Society and Lower Shore Land Trust to develop plans to protect these ecosystems.


Defenders of Wildlife. (2011). Climate change and tidal marshes [video]. Retrieved from CAKE:

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities.  We work to protect and restore America's native wildlife, safeguard habitat, resolve conflicts, work across international borders and educate and mobilize the public.  We are committed to safeguarding biodiversity from the impacts of climate change by advancing wildlife and ecosystem-based adaptation policies and planning.