Co-Producing Science to Inform Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation for Wetlands

Karen Thorne
Posted on: 10/10/2019 - Updated on: 10/10/2019

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This webinar is the third of the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center's Spring Skills-building Webinar Series on Co-Production in Practice: Examples from the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. This webinar series is designed to illustrate the process of co-production using examples from a wide range of projects funded by the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Each webinar provides practices and lessons learned for those wanting to take a co-production approach to generating actionable science to inform decision-making in a changing climate. 

ABOUT THIS WEBINAR: In this webinar, Dr. Thorne will present coastal climate adaptation case studies and lessons learned from multiple years working closely with resource managers. Dr. Thorne and her partners use both formal and informal methods to facilitate co-production, communication and outreach on sea-level rise research, and to translate science to inform management actions. This has included convening managers, biologists, Tribes, and other decision-makers and partners at regional workshops for structured scenario and adaptation planning. Through her work, Dr. Thorne has found that building trusting relationships with end-users early in the research process is the most effective way to ensure that science can inform on-the-ground actions. A strong manager-science partnership can benefit all participants by generating important research questions, collecting relevant data and translating research for end-users.


Document Type
Sector Addressed
Habitat/Biome Type
Target Climate Changes and Impacts