Collaborative Management and Research in the Great Basin: Examining the Issues and Developing a Framework for Action

Jeanne C. Chambers, Nora Devoe, Angela Evenden
Posted on: 7/18/2022 - Updated on: 7/28/2023

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The Great Basin is one of the most imperiled regions in the United States. Sustaining its ecosystems, resources, and human populations requires strong collaborative partnerships among the region’s research and management organizations. This GTR is the product of a workshop on “Collaborative Watershed Research and Management in the Great Basin” held in Reno, Nevada, November 28 through 30, 2006.

It provides an overview and individual issues papers describing critical research and management issues facing the Great Basin. It also includes summaries of workshop sessions on (1) developing collaborative management and research programs and (2) devising mechanisms for organization and communication. 

It is hoped that the information contained in this technical report will serve as a first step in the process of developing more effective and larger scale collaborations in the Great Basin.


Chambers, J.C., Devoe, N., Evenden, A., eds. (2008). Collaborative management and research in the Great Basin: Examining the Issues and Developing a Framework for Action. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-204. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 66 p.

Affiliated Organizations

Research has been part of the Forest Service mission since the agency’s inception in 1905. The Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) is an integral component of USDA Forest Service Research and Development (R&D). 

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