Denver 80 x 50 Climate Action Plan

City of Denver
Posted on: 6/12/2019 - Updated on: 6/12/2019

Posted by

Rachel Gregg



Climate change is not only the single greatest public health and environmental threat, it is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. Future generations will judge us on how well we preserved the habitability of our only home — Earth. From local impacts such as worsening air quality and increasing frequency of extreme heat to global impacts like reductions in food supply and sea level rise, the effects will be felt in Denver and around the world. Cities can bend the curve on carbon because they are responsible for over 70 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. Denver can implement effective strategies that will help guide our City to a climate safe future in a way that works well for all the businesses and residents of Denver. These strategies will also clean our air and water, make us more resilient, improve our health and preserve quality of life in the city that we love. Our vision is to:

  • Make Denver a leader in clean and local energy that comes from the sun, wind, or other innovative renewable technologies.
  • Transform Denver buildings into high-performing places to live, work, learn, and play.
  • Inspire community action and ensure environmental justice, equity and affordability as Denver transitions to a carbon-free energy system.
  • Transform Denver into a community where people walk, bike, take transit, or carpool for most trips in a safe, accessible, and affordable transportation network.
  • Guide Denver toward a clean, carbon-free transportation system that improves the health and livability of our communities.
  • Make Denver a leader in sustainable, smart transportation through innovative partnerships, policies, programs, and technology. 


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