Designing With Water: Creative Solutions from Around the Globe

The Boston Harbor Association, Sasaki Associates
Posted on: 8/01/2014 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

Posted by

Julie Wormser



This report is the second in The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA)’s Preparing for the Rising Tide series. TBHA both times partnered with recognized content experts—in this case Sasaki Associates—to offer policy recommendations to help Boston prepare for increased coastal flooding. 

Preparing for the Rising Tide (2013) provided an initial assessment of Boston’s vulnerability to coastal flooding due to storm surges and sea level rise.  The report also described how to do a basic site-specific vulnerability assessment and a time-phased preparedness plan. 

Today, Preparing for the Rising Tide II focuses on the concept of “Living with Water” flood management developed in the Netherlands and elsewhere.  The concept of “Living with Water” considers coastal flooding not only a threat, but an opportunity to address multiple goals while making necessary new investments in our buildings, communities and infrastructure. 

We provide twelve case studies describing how this strategy is being used by cities around the world to decrease potential flood damage without losing the vibrancy and livability of their communities.  We hope to inform and inspire decision makers at all scales—from individual property owners to community leaders, regional planners and elected officials.    

The document is organized into four sections. 

Section 1 (Boston’s Wet Future) describes Boston’s anticipated exposure to coastal flooding.

Section 2 (Living with Water) defines the concept of “Living with Water.”

Section 3 (Case Studies) includes twelve “Living with Water” case studies.

Section 4 (Recommendations) offers findings and recommendations for Boston, based on the case study research.


Aiken et al. 2014. Designing With Water: Creative Solutions from Around the Globe.  The Boston Harbor Association and Sasaki Associates.  August.


Document Type
Sociopolitical Setting
Target Climate Changes and Impacts

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