Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate: Priority Actions and Research Needs

Britt Parker, Joel Lisonbee, Elizabeth Ossowski, Holly R. Prendeville, Dennis Todey
Posted on: 2/06/2024 - Updated on: 3/04/2024

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In a changing climate, the intensity, duration, and frequency of droughts may change. This poses new challenges for drought assessment. Current methods for assessing drought conditions do not consistently and deliberately consider drought in the context of climate change, thereby unintentionally promoting drought response strategies that are limited in building long-term resilience in a changing climate. 

In response, NOAA's National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and the USDA Climate Hubs released this NOAA Technical Memorandum, which highlights priority actions and research questions across fifteen research focus areas to advance the knowledge and understanding of drought assessment into the future. Additional support for the workshop and report was provided by the University of Colorado Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES).

This report, Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate: Priority Actions and Research Needs, was developed as part of a technical workshop that NIDIS and the USDA Climate Hubs co-hosted on February 28–March 1, 2023. The report captures the ideas and feedback of more than 100 subject matter experts from over 44 institutions across the drought research and practitioner communities. It offers a rich collection of ideas for action and further research that federal, tribal, state, local agencies and academic institutions can support.


Parker, B.A., J. Lisonbee, E. Ossowski, H. R. Prendeville, and D. Todey (2023). Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate: Priority Actions and Research Needs. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, National Integrated Drought Information System. NOAA Technical Report OAR CPO-002. Doi: 10.25923/5zm3-6x83.

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