Dry Forest Habitats: A Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Synthesis for Hawai‘i

Posted on: 1/08/2018 - Updated on: 3/06/2020

Posted by

Whitney Reynier



For additional products from the Hawaiian Islands Climate Synthesis Project, please visit http://bit.ly/HawaiiClimate.


Hilberg LE, Reynier WA, Kershner JM, Gregg RM. 2018. Dry Forest Habitats: A Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Synthesis for Hawai‘i. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island, WA.

Affiliated Organizations

EcoAdapt is at the center of climate change adaptation innovation. We provide support, training, and assistance to make conservation and management less vulnerable and more Climate Savvy. Over the past 200 years, great strides have been made in the world of conservation and now all of that is at risk because of climate change. EcoAdapt is working to ensure the success of these past efforts by delivering a framework for climate adaptation.

The PICCC provides a range of scientific and technical tools to help managers in Hawai‘i, the Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and other Pacific Island groups make informed decisions for landscape-scale conservation of natural and cultural resources including climate models at the archipelagic and island scales, ecological response models, and implementation and monitoring strategies for island species, resources, and communities.