Forest and Water Climate Adaptation A Plan for the Nisqually Watershed

Morgan Greene
Posted on: 3/11/2019 - Updated on: 3/11/2019

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The Nisqually River Council created this adaptation plan to develop proactive steps that will enable ecological, social and economic systems to better deal with a changing climate. Through the course of this planning process, the core team developed four goals that will help increase resiliency in the local economy by managing forest and water resources.

The four goals are:

Goal 1: Restore and maintain forest cover that is healthy, resilient and widespread so that it provides cultural, recreational, ecological and economic benefits.

Goal 2: Maintain healthy freshwater ecosystems support thriving native fish populations while providing cultural, economic and social benefits.

Goal 3: Promote adaptation in the river delta environment by restoring it to a fully functioning ecosystem that is resilient to changing conditions and provides cultural, social, ecological and economic benefits.

Goal 4: Provide sustainable funding and strong, engaged partnerships in order to successfully implement climate adaptation activities.

This adaptation plan is the first step in becoming climate leaders and increasing resiliency in local social, economic and ecological systems. Successful implementation requires the dedication of multiple stakeholders within the Nisqually Watershed and from downstream neighbors receiving benefits from the healthy headwaters. Beginning in 2015 and led by the Nisqually River Council, these goals will begin to be achieved through multiple solutions and strategies. To make the greatest impact, this plan’s solutions lie in five focus areas: policy, planning, monitoring, on-theground conservation, and education and outreach efforts. 


Document Type
Habitat/Biome Type
Type of Adaptation Action/Strategy