Heat Stress Series - Rural Heat Challenges and Interventions

Posted on: 3/08/2021 - Updated on: 3/31/2021

Posted by

Molly Johnson


This is a recording of Session Two of the virtual National Adaptation Forum Heat Stress Series, brought to you by EcoAdapt. 

In rural settings, interventions to extreme heat and heat stress must take into account the added challenges of greater travel distances and other limits to resource access. This session will highlight the North Carolina Division of Public Health's analysis of heat-related illness in rural communities, and rural-focused heat stress interventions carried out by Sustainable Sandhills in North Carolina. It will consider health threats faced by workers, and highlight Public Citizen’s potential Federal policy solutions to protect workers from heat.

Affiliated Organizations

EcoAdapt is at the center of climate change adaptation innovation. We provide support, training, and assistance to make conservation and management less vulnerable and more Climate Savvy. Over the past 200 years, great strides have been made in the world of conservation and now all of that is at risk because of climate change. EcoAdapt is working to ensure the success of these past efforts by delivering a framework for climate adaptation.

In collaboration with our partners, DHHS provides essential services to improve the health, safety and well-being of all North Carolinians.


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