Institutional Arrangements for National Adaptation Planning and Implementation

UNFCCC Adaptation
Posted on: 2/17/2024 - Updated on: 4/19/2024



There is no single definition for institutional arrangements for adaptation and the term is used in many different forms and contexts. For the sake of this report, institutional arrangements are interpreted as those structures, approaches, practices or rules set in place by stakeholders at all levels to steer adaptation action including for: assessing impacts, vulnerability and risks; planning for adaptation; implementation of adaptation measures; and monitoring and evaluation of adaptation.

This thematic report draws on eight case studies as well as information from other sources to raise awareness of existing institutional arrangements that have been set up to support adaptation at different governance levels, identify the main challenges those institutions face, and highlight key lessons learned from their work that can be drawn upon to identify a set of concrete measures to enhance the effectiveness of institutional arrangements.

The report is structured as follows: Section II provides an overview of current institutional arrangements for adaptation, including challenges, and provides eight case studies that explore in more detail examples of institutional arrangements set up in different countries and regions to support national adaptation to climate change. Section III looks at current and future challenges identified as described in section II and discusses measures that can be used to support the strengthening of institutional arrangements. Section IV concludes with the main messages from the report including recommendations.

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UNFCCC stands for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Convention has near universal membership (198 Parties) and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The main aim of the Paris Agreement is to keep the global average temperature rise this century as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The UNFCCC is also the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

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