Introduction to COAST: A Tool for Community-led Climate Adaptation Planning

Photo attributed to Don Ramey Logan. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. No endorsement implied.
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Rachel GreggPublished
As more cities and regions are hit hard by storms, public pressure for better infrastructure planning is growing. A consensus is emerging that in many cases, “putting it back the way it was” is not the right answer. Community leaders may be ready to take new actions to adapt to changing conditions, but may also be unsure whether such new ideas are good investments. They may well ask: “How much should we pay to lower risks, and where is the line between a wise choice and a foolish one?”
During this webinar for grantees from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, Sam Merrill from the New England Environmental Finance Center introduced participants to COAST, a free, interactive tool that is being used in communities around the country to evaluate the costs and benefits of various adaptation options to sea level rise and storm surge.
Hosted by the Water Infrastructure Capacity Building Team through the HUD/EPA Capacity Building for Sustainable Communities Program.