Invasive Species, Climate Change and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Addressing Multiple Drivers of Global Change

Stanley W. Burgiel and Adrianna A. Muir
Posted on: 9/29/2010 - Updated on: 3/06/2020

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Invasive species pose a serious threat to ecosystems, bearing responsibility for half to two-thirds of species extinctions. Worse yet, this problem is exacerbated by climate change, which facilitates the introduction, establishment, and spread of invasive species. One increasingly popular approach to dealing with this issue is ecosystem-based adaptation, which aims to build the resilience of ecosystems against climate change and, through doing so, reduce the threat of invasive species. Conversely, reducing the spread of invasive species will lessen the damage that climate change does to ecosystems and allow those ecosystems to continue to provide important services and resources to humans.


Burgiel, S. W. & Muir, A. A. (2010). Invasive species, climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation: Addressing multiple drivers of global change. Washington, DC: Global Invasive Species Programme. Retrieved from CAKE…

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Document Type
Sector Addressed
Type of Adaptation Action/Strategy