Measuring Progress in Adapting to a Changing Climate: Insights from OECD Countries

Posted on: 9/25/2024 - Updated on: 10/29/2024

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To better address the impacts from climate change, OECD countries are increasingly making climate change adaptation a policy priority. Assessing progress in the implementation of national adaptation policies is a critical step in understanding how adaptation efforts contribute to strengthening climate resilience, and whether they are effective. Experience in policy design and implementation has grown significantly, however measuring progress remains a challenge for countries.

Building on a cross-country survey and country case studies carried out in Chile, Korea, the Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom, this report provides insights into current OECD country practices in measuring climate adaptation. It proposes a framework that can guide countries on what needs to be measured and how, and discusses the role that adaptation indicators and a conducive institutional environment can play in strengthening adaptation measurement.

Report Chapter Summaries:

  1. Measuring progress in implementing national adaptation policies: This chapter presents the main findings from this report. It first discusses the rationale for adaptation measurement, including a framing discussion on what needs to be measured and how. This is complemented by findings from a stocktake of OECD countries’ current practices and achievements in measuring progress in implementing national adaptation policies. The chapter is informed by a cross-country survey carried out in OECD member and partner countries, as well as expert workshops, and in-depth country case studies in Chile, Korea, the Slovak Republic, and the United Kingdom.
  2. Measuring progress in adapting to a changing climate: the case of the United Kingdom: This chapter presents the results of the United Kingdom case study. It documents efforts, achievements and remaining gaps in the design and use of adaptation measurement frameworks in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, and assesses the suitability of adaptation indicators to help gauge progress in building resilience to climate change.
  3. Measuring progress in adapting to a changing climate: the case of Chile: This chapter presents the results of the country case study of Chile. It documents the policy and institutional context for adaptation in Chile and discusses the efforts, achievements, and remaining gaps for measuring progress on adaptation. It also reviews Chile’s adaptation indicator frameworks
  4. Measuring progress in adapting to a changing climate: the case of Korea: This chapter presents the results of the country case study carried out in Korea. It reviews Korea’s adaptation measurement framework, providing an overview of the policy and institutional framework and the methods used to measure progress in implementing national and local adaptation policies. It also highlights indicators that have been developed in the country to shed light on adaptation progress.


OECD (2024), Measuring Progress in Adapting to a Changing Climate: Insights from OECD countries, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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