Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) Strategic Plan Update: 2016-2021
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The MICHAP 2010-2015 Strategic Plan (Cameron et. al, 2011) was first developed in 2010 in consultation with partners both internal to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (then Michigan Department of Community Health), and externally across the state of Michigan. The intent of this strategic plan was to prepare the public health system in Michigan to address the public health consequences of climate change in a coordinated manner. The public health system includes the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and local health departments (LHDs), as well as key partners in other areas of state government, academia, health care, professional organizations, non-profits, and other organizations whose work relates to public health and/or the environment. This effort sought to build a statewide vision with a diverse, large group representing multiple perspectives and expertise.
The original Plan’s 2010-2015 objectives were integrated into CDC cooperative agreements that supported activities aimed at scoping climate and health issues for Michigan and building adaptive capacity. However, its high-level goals remain relevant, providing the foundation for moving climate and health adaptation planning forward in Michigan. For the period 2016-2021, MICHAP will be cooperating in CDC’s Climate and Health Adaptation and Monitoring Program (CHAMP). It will implement and monitor interventions that address the State’s priority climate related health outcomes, with a focus on Michigan’s most vulnerable people and places. As such, this 2016-2021 Strategic Plan Update (referred to as the ‘Plan Update’ moving forward) will retain the original Plan’s goals but will update MICHAP’s strategies and activities according to the CHAMP requirements and stakeholder feedback.