Missouri State Hazard Mitigation Plan

Missouri Department of Public Safety
Posted on: 5/17/2019 - Updated on: 5/17/2019

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This Missouri State Hazard Mitigation Plan update is an important planning component of state-level programs for management of disasters and their impacts. It takes into account years of mitigation experience and a variety of mitigation initiatives. It has also taken advantage of the collective mitigation knowledge of many state, federal, and local officials as well as multiple stakeholders throughout the private sector. As such, implementation of this plan is positioned to significantly contribute to mitigation of negative impacts from future Missouri disasters.

This plan also summarizes the methods the State will use to prioritize cost-effective mitigation measures. The current priorities include local hazard mitigation planning, acquisition of floodprone properties, relocation/retrofitting of floodprone properties, floodplain management, tornado safe rooms, flood and earthquake structural projects, and technical assistance. Both short-term and longterm hazard mitigation measures are identified and prioritized to help all state and local agencies allocate appropriate resources in a responsible manner that will provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of all people in Missouri.

This plan will continue to provide a general blueprint for hazard mitigation activities in Missouri and is structured to serve as the basis for specific hazard mitigation efforts for multiple hazards. It is done so in a manner that meets federal requirements for mitigation planning and that complies with collaboratively developed national standards for emergency management. As such it is approved by FEMA and accredited by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).


Document Type
Adaptation Phase
Sector Addressed
Target Climate Changes and Impacts