Opportunities and Options for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
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UNFCCC Adaptat…Published
This report considers efforts, within and taken by developing countries, based on a review of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Communications, Adaptation communications, and other relevant documents, including reports of the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A), the AC, the LEG, the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for loss and damage, and reports prepared under the Nairobi Work Programme. 137 NDCs of developing countries, 154 national communications, 20 NAPs, and two adaptation communications submitted to the UNFCCC, have been reviewed. In addition, some examples were derived from other sources to illustrate in more detail the good practices used by developing countries.
The objective of this technical paper is to identify opportunities for enhancing adaptation action, as well as options for supporting the implementation of specific actions, including by integrating adaptation with efforts to achieve the SDGs and implement the Sendai Framework. The paper attempts to answer how integrating adaptation, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction can contribute to strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities and increasing the understanding and implementation of adaptation actions. The paper covers the specific policies, strategies and actions discussed at the TEMs, as well as submissions from Parties to the Adaptation Committee and other relevant sources of information.
Within the context of the technical paper, opportunities reflect emerging best practices in integrating adaptation with efforts to achieve the SDGs and implement the Sendai Framework. The paper also seeks to identify options to replicate and scale up best practices, taking into account national circumstances and specific climate impacts.
While the paper provides an overview of the presentations and discussions that took place at the TEMs and incorporates other relevant sources of information, it should not be interpreted as implying that there is consensus among Parties on any of the opportunities or options covered. It includes key messages arising from knowledge and experience to date, provides important findings to assist further work on adaptation, and highlights some of the remaining gaps that could be further investigated with follow-up activities and reports.