Preparing for Tomorrow’s High Tide: Recommendations for Adapting to Sea Level Rise in Delaware
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Rachel GreggPublished
This document was developed by Delaware’s Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee and by staff of the Delaware Coastal Programs section of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). It is intended to assist government agencies, businesses and individuals make well-informed choices about preparing for and responding to sea level rise. Its central component is a set of recommendations for building the state’s ability to adapt to sea level rise. The document also contains background information about adaptation measures that can be taken to decrease Delaware’s vulnerability to sea level rise and provides a set of guiding principles for consideration by those choosing adaptation measures.
The recommendations contained in this document were approved by the Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee and have been submitted to DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara for consideration and for further collaboration with other state cabinet agencies. It is envisioned that a collaborative team composed of government agencies, businesses and individuals will be brought together to seek support and resources to implement the recommendations.