Report of the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group

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CAKE TeamAbstract
On October 5, 2006, Governor Blagojevich launched his Global Warming Initiative by signing an Executive Order (EO) that created the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group (ICCAG). The Advisory Group was chaired by Doug Scott, Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA), and included 39 other members representing local government; labor unions; public transit; scientists; environmental, consumers, and faith-based groups; and the following industries: agriculture, utilities, power generators, auto manufacturing, farm and construction equipment, oil, insurance, and waste management. Three vice chairs were also appointed to help guide the process: Michael Carrigan, AFL-CIO; Arthur Gibson, Baxter Healthcare; and Howard Learner, Environmental Law and Policy Center.
Key Findings
ICCAG members voted on 24 strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Illinois. ICF International (ICFI), a global energy and environmental consulting firm, was retained to model the emissions and economic impacts of different policy scenarios. ICFI’s modeling found that implementing the 24 strategies voted on by ICCAG members would meet the Governor’s goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.
In addition, ICFI’s modeling found that executing all 24 strategies to reduce greenhouse gases would benefit the Illinois economy compared to taking no action to address climate change. According to ICFI, these economic benefits include cutting average electricity costs by more than 3 billion dollars per year in 2020 as well as boosting the gross state product (GSP) and personal disposable income by billions of dollars while creating tens of thousands of new jobs (see Section VI for detailed economic estimates).
At its July 10 meeting, ICCAG members voted to support nineteen strategies with no dissent and at least one abstention. At the September 6 meeting, a majority of voting ICCAG members voted to support an additional five strategies, with eight to ten members dissenting and several members abstaining.