Rolling Up Our Sleeves Together: Building an Inclusive and Impactful Adaptation Movement

Angela Adrar, Seandra R. Pope
Posted on: 4/27/2017 - Updated on: 6/16/2023

Posted by

Lauren Lynch



NOTE: This content will be removed from CAKE by the end of 2023. Please visit the past virtual events on the National Adaptation Forum website.


From decisions on Standing Rock to proposed changes at EPA, climate change conversations have shifted at the federal level, yet climate justice leaders have weathered the storm of these challenges and continue to advocate for climate justice. In 2017, strengthening equitable climate change solutions at the local, regional and state level is even more critical to climate equity and justice communities. Over several years we have built coalitions and partnerships to address a changing climate. That is even more important today! We need to continue deepening our relationships and foraging ahead to develop equitable adaptation solutions that benefit our communities and environment. As we prepare for the 2017 National Adaptation Forum what role can the National Adaptation Forum play for the broader climate adaptation movement? What ways can we build cross-sectorial partnerships to for local, regional and state level adaptation wins? What barriers need to be broken and opportunities awakened to harness the momentum before, during, and after National Adaptation Forum? Join us in a conversation among social justice practitioners and adaptation leaders who lead with equitable solutions in their work.


Ernesto Arevalo 

Ernesto is the CARE (Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Enhancement) Coordinator for Communities for a Better Environment (CBE). CBE is a California-based statewide non-profit building community power to achieve environmental justice, clean energy and healthy communities. While CBE recognizes that our work in creating policies to reduce greenhouse gases and lessen our reliance on fossil fuels continues to be crucial, we also realize it is inevitable that climate change will significantly impact our lives.

Angela Adrar

Angela is the new Executive Director of the Our Power Campaign and Climate Justice Alliance. She has committed her life to advancing the role of the grassroots sector and provides agile leadership and structure to address and adapt to the changing and complex priorities of local communities while influencing national and international agendas. She has served as a leading member of local to international organizations that include; La Via Campesina North America, US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA), the Building Equity and Alignment for Impact Initiative (BEAI), US Friends of Movement of Dam Affected Peoples (MAB) and others. She has introduced and advocated for internal frameworks that enable feedback loops for both national/International decision-making and local representation as well as, gender, and racial equity that embraces a diversity of contributions, while fostering trust and reciprocity for collective work. For the past 3 years, she has served as the Weaver Co-Chair of the steering committee body of the BEAI, where she coordinated the work of extraordinary leaders from the grassroots,and develop authentic relationships with Green groups as well as, Philanthropy successfully working on a strategy to eliminate barriers and shift 10 million to the grassroots.

Seandra R. Pope

Seandra is a well-respected, thought leader, innovative strategist and trusted authority who not only conceptualizes unique methods for developing strategies and building bridges across issues, sectors, demographics, and communities, but also offers facilitation and guidance for implementation of such methodologies. Seandra has, during the course of her career in strategic consulting, program creation and implementation, worked with SEIU as Lead Organizer and Program Manager, Sierra Club as Program Manager and SACE as the Director of Diversity and Community Partnerships, to name a few.

Nile K. Malloy, Moderator

Nile K. Malloy is a Climate Equity Strategist and Consultant who brings over 15 years of economic development, public health, community organizing, philanthropic relationship building, climate change, and environmental justice experience. He has participated as a program committee member for both California and National Adaptation Forums and currently serves on the steering committees of the forums. He is also Senior Manager at the Neighborhood Funders Group leading their Democratizing Development Program. Before joining NFG, Nile worked for eight years as the Northern California Program Director at Communities for a Better Environment managing campaigns and programs on climate adaptation, clean energy, environmental justice, and local economic development projects. Nile has also provided consulting services to philanthropy, non-profits and government entities on community equity-based climate planning and development. He has served on many boards and steering committees including the Oakland Climate Action Coalition, Climate Justice Alliance, Bay Area Resilience Initiative, Bay Area Rapid Transit Title VI Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, Bay Area Air Quality Management District Cumulative Impacts Working Group and Bay Localize. Nile was born and raised in Flint, Michigan and resides in the Los Angeles area with his partner and three children. He holds a BA in African American Studies and Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Michigan, and an MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a focus on local and global economic development impacts of working class communities of color.


Document Type
Sector Addressed
Target Climate Changes and Impacts
Type of Adaptation Action/Strategy