sNAPshot Brief, Monitoring and Evaluation in the NAP Process: Opportunities, Challenges and Emerging Solutions

Angélica V. Ospina
Posted on: 4/12/2024 - Updated on: 8/14/2024

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This Overview Brief explores the topic of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. It focuses on key opportunities, challenges and lessons learned by developing countries in the design and implementation of M&E systems of adaptation, highlighting solutions to address those challenges.

As the design and implementation of NAPs advance throughout the world, there is an increasing focus on monitoring, evaluating and learning from the adaptation process and its outcomes. National M&E of adaptation seeks to identify the achievements in the implementation of adaptation-related policies, plans, interventions and investments, as well as the results of those achievements. M&E helps determine if and how adaptation interventions are reducing vulnerability and improving countries’ capacity to prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change across sectors and levels. 

The design and implementation of a robust M&E system of adaptation is at the core of the NAP process. The wide diversity of NAP experiences show that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to the design and operationalization of M&E systems of adaptation (Hammill & Dekens, 2014). Adaptation planners are seeking better-tailored, more resource-efficient approaches to M&E of adaptation, in order to strengthen their capacity to report on and learn from pathways of change.

 This sNAPshot is the first of a series exploring the approaches that different countries have taken to M&E in their NAP process.


Angélica V. Ospina (2016). sNAPshot Monitoring and Evaluation in the NAP Process: Opportunities, Challenges and Emerging Solutions. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 

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