State of Wisconsin Hazard Mitigation Plan

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CAKE TeamAbstract
Millions of dollars are spent each year on disaster response and recovery. By undertaking hazard mitigation – activities which will reduce the impact of future disasters – state and local governments and tribal organizations can reduce these costs and minimize the impacts of potentially disastrous events. Hazard mitigation can also be considered disaster prevention and encourages the development of disaster resilient communities. Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) is the lead agency for the hazard mitigation program in Wisconsin, a key component of which is the State of Wisconsin Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the original Plan was to identify Wisconsin’s major hazards, assess the risk and vulnerability of the state to those hazards, and recommend actions to reduce vulnerability using the technical and programmatic resources of Wisconsin state agencies. Ultimately, the Plan strives to help protect the health, safety, property, environment, and economy of Wisconsin from the effects of natural hazards. In this five-year Plan update, all sections of the Plan were reviewed and revised, and include updated data and demographics (where applicable), risk assessments, mitigation goals, strategies, action items, and other pertinent information.