Toolkit for a Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

UNFCCC Adaptation
Posted on: 2/01/2024 - Updated on: 3/11/2024



The NAP process is a key mechanism for defining adaptation priorities, channelling resources and implementing adaptation actions. It therefore presents a key opportunity to address the gender dimensions of climate change if it is undertaken in a gender-responsive manner. Adopting a gender-responsive approach to adaptation will also help to align climate policies and action with other commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

This toolkit is designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process. It will be useful for government actors coordinating the NAP process, as well as for stakeholders and development partners supporting adaptation planning and implementation. The toolkit offers a flexible approach, recognizing that there are opportunities to integrate gender considerations regardless of where you are in the NAP process. It is organized around the key entry points in the NAP process, based on the elements outlined in the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process produced by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). It also provides guidance on addressing gender in the enabling activities that facilitate progress and increase effectiveness in the NAP process, including the establishment of institutional arrangements, capacity development, stakeholder engagement, information sharing and securing finance. The toolkit also provides links to key tools for gender-responsive approaches, as well as other useful resources


NAP Global Network & UNFCCC. (2019). Toolkit for a gender-responsive process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Dazé, A., and Church, C. (lead authors). Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

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UNFCCC stands for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Convention has near universal membership (198 Parties) and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The main aim of the Paris Agreement is to keep the global average temperature rise this century as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The UNFCCC is also the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

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