U.S. Department of Energy 2021 Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan

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DOE recognizes that our country and the world are facing a climate crisis. DOE’s mission of ensuring America’s security and prosperity by addressing energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions is vital to the nation’s economic and national security. As outlined in E.O. 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, this Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan, and Climate Adaptation Policy Statement build upon prior DOE actions taken to bolster adaptation and increase the resilience of DOE facilities and operations.
DOE works on the frontiers of scientific understanding and technological innovation to reduce GHG emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change by researching, developing, and deploying innovative and promising clean energy technologies. With approximately 50 active sites, DOE has a variety of missions including environmental cleanup, scientific research and development, national nuclear security, power marketing, and more. DOE can only succeed in its mission if it can successfully identify risks, hazards, and vulnerabilities from climate change that have the potential to impact operations, as well as effectively define and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation actions.
This plan addresses both climate adaptation and mitigation, which are complementary actions necessary for DOE to become more resilient, adapt to a changing climate, and reduce GHG emissions. This forward-looking plan identifies and prioritizes the Department’s adaptation and resilience efforts to ensure DOE continues to achieve its mission. The actions described in this plan apply to all programs and facilities and will be updated as needed to capture any mission changes and reaffirm the Department’s commitment to address the climate crisis.
DOE has identified five priority adaptation actions in this plan:
- Assess Vulnerabilities and Implement Resilience Solutions at DOE Sites
- Enhance Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Co-benefits at DOE Sites
- Institutionalize Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across DOE Policies, Directives, and Processes
- Provide Climate Adaptation Tools, Technical Support, and Climate Science Information
- Advance Deployment of Emerging Climate Technologies.
In addition, this plan describes DOE’s current and planned actions for the following specific topic areas:
- Climate Vulnerability Assessments
- Climate Literacy in DOE’s Management Workforce
- Climate Resilience for Climate-Ready Sites and Facilities
- Climate-Ready Supply of Products and Services
2021 Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan. March 2021. U.S. Department of Energy. https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2021-10/DOEClimateAdaptation…