Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe) Presentation
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Jessica HittAbstract
The following is the abstract from the conference session in which it originally appeared:
Responding effectively to the challenges posed by climate change has become a primary goal for natural resource managers. Most federal agencies now require consideration of climate change in management plans and, increasingly, comprehensive adaptation plans must be developed.
Regional federal climate science programs are available to facilitate efforts, including NOAA's 11 Regional Integrated Science Assessment (RISA) programs, the eight Climate Science Centers (CSCs) led by the USGS, the 22 Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) led primarily by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the seven regional Climate Hubs led by the USDA. Although coordination among these groups is essential, this can prove challenging in light of deep cultural and institutional barriers. Lack of coordination also has negative implications for stakeholder engagement and, ultimately, program sustainability.
Our two-part session will explore these issues by convening representatives from federal entities to discuss emerging collaborations that are relevant across regions.