Donate to Support CAKE
We Need Support From Our Users, Like You!
All donations made to CAKE are tax-deductible and go to EcoAdapt, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization responsible for managing the site.
Donations are directly applied to the CAKE program budget and support the general operations of the site including staff time, functionality, member relations, and content maintenance and expansion. Thank you for your support!
The Origins of CAKE
Working on developing responses to climate change can seem like lonely work—it’s hard to find good examples, peers, and resources. The team behind CAKE not only recognized this issue, but also felt it in our own daily work. During our time working in the field, we saw a need for a comprehensive online adaptation resource that would link examples of successful adaptation efforts to the data used to plan them and to the people who implemented them. After a bit of market research and an initial grant from the Kresge Foundation, the team got to work to fill these voids.
Making it User Friendly
There are a lot of information websites out there. Some are useful, some are not. We tried to make CAKE easy to use while maintaining a high standard for functionality and credible information.
The team spent over a year working with our advisory committee and other practitioners in the field to create a tool that gets you the information you need in a logical, useful manner.
More Than A Pretty Face
It’s one thing to have an attractive, easy-to-use website but it is another for it to also be useful. To make CAKE useful, it needs to have both credible content and an active community.
The CAKE team is not sitting back waiting for the adaptation community to tell us about their work. EcoAdapt has been surveying the field through interviews with adaptation practitioners. We’ve combed through the literature to populate the site with high-quality resources and evaluate each item added for quality and relevancy so users can find the information they need quickly! We use similar methods to identify and evaluate other tools that practitioners can use in their climate change adaptation efforts.
Yet, CAKE is not solely a repository for useful case studies and a wealth of adaptation literature. It is also an active community of users. We are dedicated to building a community of adaptation practitioners. All of this requires direct engagement. We want CAKE to be your online adaptation destination that helps make your adaptation efforts stronger!
Thank you!
If CAKE has been helpful to you in your work, or if you have found a job or an employee from a posting in our newsletter or website, please consider making a donation to CAKE. We appreciate your commitment to support the work we do in the climate change adaptation field.