4. Knowledge, Products & Services

Participants were also asked what information they currently use to make decisions on climate change. Most frequently mentioned types of resources used include grey literature (e.g., agency reports, frameworks), best practices and lessons learned from other public health professionals, and scientific literature and data (e.g., models, maps) (Table 4).

Table 4. Resources currently used to make decisions by interviewees & survey respondents (n=54).

Grey literature (e.g., agency plans) 61%
Best practices/lessons learned 57%
Scientific literature 46%
Models (e.g., atmospheric, ecosystem, economic) 44%
Spatial data 33%
Traditional knowledge 31%



Additional resources needed to better address climate change in public health include case study examples from on-the-ground initiatives, trainings and webinars, and information on how to better communicate climate-related health impacts to the public (Table 5).

Table 5. Resources needed to more effectively take action on climate change as expressed by interviewees & survey respondents (n=54).

Best practices/case studies
Trainings or webinars
Information on how to communicate climate change to the public and engage stakeholders
Decision support tools for the purpose of integrating climate change and other stressors
Guidance on how to integrate climate change into planning and management
Expert networks/associations






Participants were also asked to identify specific resources and tools they use to make decisions on climate change (Table 6).

Table 6. Resources & tools used by respondents.


National Climate Assessment (2014, 2018)

Climate Change, Health, and Equity: A Guide For Local Health Departments

BRACE framework, webinars & tools

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment reports

Global Warming’s Six Americas, October 2014: Perceptions of the Health Consequences of Global Warming & Update on Key Beliefs

2016 Climate & Health Assessment

Sustainable & Climate Resilient Health Care Facilities Toolkit

National Integrated Heat Health Information System

Emergency Preparedness & Response: Natural Disasters & Severe Weather

Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments

Excessive Heat Events Guidebook

Climate Change & Human Health Literature Portal

Communicating the Health Effects of Climate Change