
The purpose of the review is to verify the quality of the information and completeness of the application. The Registry believes that review of applications is critical to ensure the quality of service providers on the platform, and subsequent quality of services rendered in the market. However, we also recognize that the service provider pool is constantly evolving and maturing. We aim for this process to provide a review that is both fair and consistent across applications and also accounts for the range of interpretation and application of good practices for climate change adaptation work.

Reviewer Selection

Review Process BreakdownAfter your application is submitted, two reviewers with demonstrated experience in the climate adaptation field will review your application. Reviewers with a self-identified conflict of interest will be replaced.


Before your application undergoes a full review, it will be prescreened for completeness. Reviewers will check that you: 1) submitted information for all required sections of the application, 2) provided substantive answers (at least one complete sentence) for Section 3: Service Details -- “Services Brief Explanation, ” and 3) provided answers between 200-500 words in length that address all question components (background, implementation, outcomes) for Section 4: Work Examples -- “Project Overview.” If your application fails to meet one or more of those requirements, it will be rejected. You will have one more chance to meet those requirements before your application is fully rejected.

Full Review

Applications that have passed the prescreen will undergo a full review. Reviewers will use a detailed rubric to assess all applications as objectively as possible. The rubric includes detailed guidance for reviewers to assess the following criteria:

  • If the applicant provided external links in a section, does information available at the URL(s) corroborate the information provided in that section of the application?
  • Do the service locations (checked off in "Organization Details" section) and the services, sectoral expertise, and type of place (checked off in the "Service Details" section) match the project examples described in the "Work Examples" section?
  • Does the information provided in open-ended question #1 ("Background Information") match the information provided in other sections of the application?
  • Did the applicant demonstrate that their practice aligns with the values, beliefs, strategies, and approaches described in the ASAP Living Guide to the Principles of Climate Change Adaptation?

Reviewers send their scores to the review coordinator. If there is a discrepancy in the scores, the review coordinator initiates an email conversation amongst the two reviewers so they can provide more information about their scores and work together to determine a final score.


Applications meeting the minimum criteria will be accepted into the Registry. Accepted organizations will receive a welcome email explaining how to set and update their Registry profiles.

Applications not meeting the minimum criteria will be rejected. Rejection notifications will include reviewer feedback.