Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool (AMAT)

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Rachel GreggOverview
The Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool (AMAT) measures progress toward achieving the outputs and outcomes established at the portfolio level under the LDCF/SCCF results framework. The tracking tool for adaptation projects or programs financed by the LDCF/SCCF will be conducted three times during the life of the project.
The Programming Strategy on Adaptation presents an opportunity to review and, where needed, improve on the policies, procedures, tools and practices that have been applied to results-based management of climate change adaptation over the past years.
Specifically, based on past experience, the updated RBM framework for climate change adaptation attempts to address four critical needs:
- Enable more comprehensive portfolio-level monitoring and reporting on progress and outcomes, based on more consistent definitions and methodologies;
- Introduce, where appropriate, qualitative tools and methodologies that allow portfolio-level monitoring and reporting to go beyond quantitative outputs;
- Establish appropriate indicators and methodologies for monitoring progress and outcomes in line with evolving guidance by the UNFCCC COP; and
- Seek, where appropriate, greater consistency with the tools and methodologies used by other funds, programs and agencies.
For more information on the updated RBM framework, refer to the following council document, GEF/LDCF.SCCF.17/05/Rev.01, "Updated Results Based Management Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change under the LDCF and the SCCF".
Planners and Managers