Aqueduct Floods

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CAKE TeamOverview
Use Aqueduct tools to identify and evaluate water risks around the world. Aqueduct Floods is a tool for measuring and mapping flood risks worldwide.
As flooding increases around the world, decision-makers need tools and data to protect communities, target investments, and mitigate future risks. Aqueduct Floods measures and maps water-related flood risks around the world. It evaluates current and future risks of riverine and coastal flooding, taking into account the impacts that socioeconomic growth and climate change will have. Aqueduct Floods also allows users to conduct comprehensive cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the value of dike flood protection strategies.
Aqueduct Floods was created by a consortium of data partners, including WRI, Deltares, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s Institute for Environmental Studies, Utrecht University and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), with funding support from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.