Climate Watch
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CAKE TeamOverview
Climate Watch is a free, online platform designed to empower policymakers, researchers, media and other stakeholders with the open climate data, visualizations and resources they need to gather insights on national and global progress on climate change. All data published on Climate Watch are free and open. This means you can download data and use it for your own analysis with proper attribution.
Climate Watch brings together dozens of datasets for the first time to let users analyze and compare the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, access historical emissions data, discover how countries can leverage their climate goals to achieve their sustainable development objectives and use models to map new pathways to a lower carbon, prosperous future.
This platform enables users to create and share custom data visualizations and comparisons of national climate commitments. It contributes to the goals of the Paris Agreement by using open data to increase transparency and accountability and providing actionable analysis on how countries can enhance their efforts to combat climate change.
Climate Watch includes:
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG): Data and visualizations on all countries’ greenhouse gas emissions
- Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs): A comprehensive, user-friendly database of all countries’ NDCs
- Comparing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Comprehensive mapping of linkages between NDCs and the SDGs and associated targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Decarbonization Pathways: Data and visuals of emissions scenario pathways for major emitting countries, derived from a growing library of models
- Country Profiles: National and sectoral profile pages that offer a snapshot of climate progress, risks and vulnerabilities
- Data Explorer: The ability to download data and create, save and share customized data visualizations
Government ministries, development organizations, civil society organizations and researchers can use Climate Watch to find and download data about global emissions, climate commitments, sustainable development and other topics.