Educational Climate Adaptation Lesson Plans and Infographics

Posted on: 9/25/2023 - Updated on: 11/06/2023

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The following free lesson plans and infographics have been developed as educational resources and tools for teachers in Canada and beyond to introduce their students to climate change adaptation.

Users can download full lesson plans, teacher's guides, and infographics for classroom use. The teacher's guides are also attached below.

  • The To What Degree? Telling Climate Change Stories Through Photos module is designed for grades 6 to 9 for classes in a variety of disciplines. This lesson plan encourages students to think about climate change adaptation and mitigation through a variety of activities that teachers can choose from, from simpler activities like a value line, to a major final project where students create their own exhibit on climate change.

  • Through the Society and Economy module, students will develop a better understanding of the factors that contribute to climate change; and of the effects of climate change on society, the economy, and the environment. They will also explore the notion of adapting to climate change - both its existing effects and expected ones - to not only mitigate risks but also take advantage of possible opportunities.

  • By participating in the Living World module activities, students will develop a better understanding of the factors that contribute to climate change and of the effects of climate change on biodiversity and the living world. They will also explore the notion of adapting to climate change - both its existing effects and expected ones - to help maintain a healthy and balanced environment.

The climate infographics can be used to introduce students to the main features of climate change and its effects on the environment, exploring problems such as melting permafrost and ocean acidification. Encourage students to examine the various threats climate change poses to biodiversity, like habitat destruction and foreign pest outbreaks. You can even use the infographics as a jumping-off point to learn about how climate change impacts Canada's economy and the health of Canadians.

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